"Fuji no Kagayaki" is an original seedless variety developed by the Shimura Grape Research Institute in Fuefuki City, Yamanashi.
It is a hybrid between Shine Muscat and purple-black grapes, and just like Shine Muscats, it can be eaten with the skin on. In comparison to the refreshing taste of Shine Muscat grapes, Fuji no Kagayaki has a distinctively rich and intense sweetness similar to that of purple-black grapes, and a strong candy-like aroma reminiscent of Kyoho grapes.
It is also sometimes described to have a honey-like flavour. Additionally, the skin itself provides a delicious and unique chewiness and it has a sugar content ranging from 24 to 25 brix, with a maximum of 30 brix.
Inquiry - Yamanashi Grape Fuji No Kagayaki